Does it make sense to create brand content via vlog?

Heroleads brand content via blog


  • Vlog is an upcoming trend to watch out for, since digital clients prefer to watch video, instead of reading long-winded texts. Moreover, enabling clients to explore your team closes the gap between brand and customer.
  • Brands can use Vlog to introduce your organisation, educate clients about your products and show them reviews.
  • Content is still a significant factor here. Thus, you need to design a touching message to a targeted audience and use Vlog along with other online marketing tools.  

Since the beginning of this year, we have been talking frequently about video marketing. Already, many brands have been convinced and added video marketing to their plan but, unfortunately, there are signs that our audiences tend to get bored with it again! What should we do?… Perhaps “Vlog” is the answer we are looking for.
What is Vlog? And how can it drive our brand to success? Let’s learn more about this trend.
What is Vlog? And how it differs from video marketing?
To simplify it, Vlog is another form of video, but one that is posted on a blog instead of other channels (that’s why we called it Vlog = Video + Blog). Content in a vlog normally relates to a life topic, such as traveling, dining or even learning in a classroom.
Much like how we wrote a diary when we were young, but this time we film it rather than write it in a letter, and publish it to digital citizens.
The thing that makes Vlog different from Live video is sequence, because vloggers post their videos arranged in chronological order and simplify it through editing.

This explanation perhaps gives you the big picture about Vlog but… does it make you feel like creating brand content for one? Before answering this, we would like to bring you to explore more about Vlog marketing.
Why we need Vlog?
There are various reasons why you need to put a Vlog to your next marketing plan…

  • Our digital audiences prefer to see image/video to plain text.
  • We can get closer to our clients by presenting your team to them. This helps  them trust, especially you if you have an impressive personality.
  • Google ranks you higher when there is video on your website.
  • Lowers the Bounce Rate since audiences tend to stick more with video.

How brands use Vlog?
Focus on your objectives first. Vlog can serve you in many ways like:
Introduce your organisation and team
Vlog is an effective marketing tool to make clients feel confidence in your business since they learn more about you, not only as a business, but also as a human being.

Educate them about your product and service
It’s just like writing a blog, but filming a video can paint a vivid picture in an audience’s mind.
Client Testimonials
Allowing customers to speak their mind about your brand definitely creates brand loyalty, while reviews and friendly conversation among users makes a strong impression.
Ask users to express their curiosity is another excellent idea to engage your audiences. You may answer all questions at once or select some valued questions and clarify them in your Vlog each week.

Surely, Vlog can be considered as an alternative content marketing tool, moreover, it works wonderfully when using along with other tools. This should not be overlooked by brands who are well-advised to make it part of the marketing plan in order to communicate with clients more effectively.
At Heroleads, we have digital experts who are eager to help you plan successful content strategy and have strong ties with various Vlogers who can drive your business to the next level. Contact us now and learn how we bring our clients to success.

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