Best banking brands to watch on social media
The Digital Advertising Association Thailand (DAAT) reported that Thai digital agencies have spent around 6,684 million baht on digital campaigns in the first half of this year. The banking industry has been one of the top five business in terms of spending on the digital platform, for the last three consecutive years. This phenomenon showed that the banking industry has readied itself in the digital landscape, especially on social media platforms.
Today, Heroleads picked all the noteworthy statistics related to the banking industry on the digital platform. Let’s check out who is leading in this red ocean!
Leading banking brands ranked by number of social media followers
Facebook is still the first priority communication channel for banking businesses, followed with the noisy bird, Twitter, which consistently gains more followers and updates among Thais.
YouTube is another platform to watch as well since many banking brands have been adding this channel to their marketing plan and launching video campaigns to catch the new-gen’s eyes.
Banking brands ranked by number of engagements
The following infographic illustrates which Facebook brand content gained the best popularity among digital citizens and achieved the best engagement by comparing the Like, Comment and Share numbers of particular campaigns. The data was collected between January to April, 2018. As you can obviously see, the most engaged banking brands do not necessary have to post the most.
Thus, what is a key to success we can learn here? Consistency? Well, maybe… but I insist you to turn to optimisation since launching a campaign to the right target audience is essential to generating Share and Like activity, making your content more appealing to the audience.
Audience these days are highly exposed to media. The more channels you have to approach them, the more loyalty you gain. At Heroleads, we have an expert online marketing team who are experienced in managing social media accounts and driving your business to success.