Insurance providers – don’t miss your opportunity to maximize sales with landing pages

insurance landing page

The Insurance industry is one of the key areas that has been affected by digital disruption. Research shows that the people who make purchases via online shopping will also purchase insurance online. That’s why insurance marketers need to create a page ready for online buyers.

“Due to our wealth of experience working with leading insurance companies, our team at Heroleads strongly recommends one technique to maximize your sales – Landing Pages.”

Landing Pages are one of the many tools that can turn possibilities into leads, and leads into profit.
In the following article, we’ll do our best to explain the most important aspects of a Landing Page so that you can know how to build one that is truly effective.
What’s a Landing Page?
A Landing Page is the first page that appears when you click on a particular online marketing campaign, whether it is Google, Facebook, YouTube or any advertising online that requires a click. Normally, Landing Pages contain further details about products or services, and this convinces visitors to fill in their personal information and turn them into leads.
Do you still need a Landing Page even if you already have a great website?
The answer is…Yes!
1.Landing Pages are able to highlight your current promotion.
For instance, if your company is focusing on car insurance, your landing page could help support your car insurance sales. Meaning, a visitor that is also searching for car insurance is able to quickly find your offer and all the great elements that will make them want to choose your deal over the deal your competitor has.
This reduces your visitors’ search time and puts your company and promotion on top, pushing aside any distractions.
2.Landing Page filters out high-potential customers from the ones just browsing.
Due to the fact that users are going to search for something highly related to your landing page, you’ll already know they are interested buyers. For example, users searching for “best car insurance to buy” are much more likely to be someone interested in finding your services than a user looking for “insurance.”
This way, real customers with a real interest will find your promotion. This is not always about closing an immediate sale, but it can also be used to build a database of high potential customers if you include a lead form on your site.
An Optimized Insurance Landing Page
Now, you might be curious to know what a great insurance Landing Page looks like. We can’t give you all of the secrets, but our Heroleads Team has a basic strategy for success that will help you get started.
1.Stay focused
Pull all your best advertising into your Landing Page. For example, if your advertising is about one particular type of insurance, that insurance must be the centerpiece to the entire page. Take out all unnecessary information, by doing this, the customer will not be distracted and Google’s score on your page will rise dramatically.
2.Include a Lead Form
Lead Forms are an essential part of your Landing Page. You’ve most likely seen them before – it’s a section on a website that will ask for your email and name. It’s a truly valuable piece of any Landing Page because it gives you the chance to gather customer information and stay in contact with them.
*Expert Tip: You should think of a special offer for your customers, by filling out your Lead Form customers will be able to receive that special offer.
3.Give a Strong Call to Action
If you did a great job designing your Landing Page, customers will want to take an action. Remember to give them directions that are easy to follow such as, “Register Now”, “Follow us by Clicking Here”, “Save 30% Today” to increase the number of customers taking your offer. We suggest that your Call to Action button be clearly seen and able to stand out from all the other content on your page.
Make a Landing Page Today!
Now that you know all the fundamental strategies needed to make a great Insurance Landing Page it’s time for you to jump start your own online marketing for your business. If this wasn’t descriptive enough, there are thousands of resources available for you to read through before starting your next online campaign.
And if you’re looking to get expert advice and shorten your learning curve. Our Heroleads Team is ready to give your next online campaign superpowers.

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