Influencer VS customer journey: how to choose an influencer in particular moments

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  • Influencer Marketing is a “must” strategy for the beauty business because consumers these days trust online influencers more than brand messages.
  • There are many factors that lead to influencer marketing success. One significant factor is matching influencers with the customer journey at a specific moment.
  • Everyone can hire influencers to advertise a brand, but those who do it successfully have a strategic plan before hiring and have a real expert to handle their campaign.

If you’re a beauty brand and miss out on hiring a ‘beauty influencer’ or ‘beauty blogger’ to promote your business, you might be in big trouble as you risk losing market share to competitors!
Customers these days ignore brand messages and turn to online influencers. Thus, Influencer Marketing is a brand-new “must” strategy that no beauty business can overlook.
However, selecting the right influencer is not an easy task. Many marketers fail to make their brand a success, simply because they a hire a popular influencer who does not fit their campaign objective.
Here, we are gonna reveal to you a trick to match the influencer to the customer journey so you can get the most from investment.
Stage 1: Awareness
For a new player, creating awareness is key to success and influencer marketing  is an ideal way to make your brand viral. You have several choices here like a Macro-influencer who is a very famous online celebrity with a numerous followers or many Micro-influencers who parade to review your product.
Explore Frank Body casestudy which successfully created awareness via influencer marketing here >>> Case Study: Building a Beauty Brand with Micro-Influencer
Stage 2: Consideration
If your targets know your products but hesitate to make a decision, an influencer helps persuade and make them believe in your product.
Accordingly, the right Influencer on this stage must be someone who is ‘trustworthy’ and the activities they should perform are reviewing or giving personal opinions of products.
Stage 3: Purchase
Influencer marketing is able to boost sales to your beauty business through a ‘promotion code’ strategy which gives a special offer to their followers. The good point is you can track their performance after launching a campaign and calculate your ROI.
Stage 4: Loyalty
Not only do they create awareness and boost the sales of your beauty business, influencers also enhance customer loyalty to your brand. To answer this purpose, selecting an influencer who shares a similar lifestyle with the targeted market would generate intimacy and strengthen your relationship in the long run.
  As you can see, influencer marketing requires various strategies to be implemented, much more than just selecting a famous star or celebrity, you need to create a strategic plan with supporting information and technology to make a difference and create measurable performance today!

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