How to boost sales with Influencer marketing other than by product review.

Heroleads influencer marketing


  • Influencer Marketing is not only about product reviews. Here we suggest some incredible ideas for how to work with online celebrities.
  • Choosing the right influencer + creative idea = the secret recipe making your influencer marketing campaign a success.

In a few years, influencer marketing, or the strategy of promoting products by cooperating with a blogger or online celebrity, is another practice that many brands give priority to. Yet, hiring celebrities to post our products on their Instagram or write an unattractive review might be outdated and ineffective for this age.
Today, our influencer specialist will show you creative ways to work with influencers/ bloggers to distinguish your products from those of competitors. Hope these ideas will fuel your sales in this upcoming Q4.
1. Promotion Code
Influencer Marketing is a brilliant choice to empower brand awareness, yet some may not know that it is an excellent strategy for increasing sales as well. Our influencer specialist suggests you give a promotion code to a celebrity and let them hand it over to their followers.
The good point is measurability since you can measure ROI and Performance of particular influencers/bloggers in a tangible way. While, on the influencer/blogger side, they are sure to be happy rewarding their loving fans with an exclusive promotion.
2. Influencer competition
Invite your hired influencer/blogger to compete in some games that reward them with extraordinary prizes, but of course, the prizes must relate to your products or brands, for example, an exclusive trip to travel via your airline company or being an ambassador for your beauty brand.
Doing this pushes influencers/bloggers to compete with each other so they would not hesitate to try their best to win this competition, while brands get viral campaigns and the best performance from particular influencers.
3.Guest Post
Guest Post is a strategy to write brand content to blogs/websites of hired influencers, who are published in The Matter, The Standard, or similar.
The challenge of this kind of content is what topic you should write to match their followers’ interests, but in the event that you achieve it perfectly, you will be rewarded with 2 advantages: firstly you get a better brand image by acquiring space in a well-known publication and secondly you can put a backlink to lead their readers back to your website, this is an excellent idea when you launch it along with SEO marketing.
These are just some of the strategies that our influencer team invented to serve our clients. However, choosing the right influencer is more important than the creative campaign because they help you to penetrate through to targets precisely.
If you’re looking for a real expert in influencer marketing who has a deep understanding in your industry. What are you waiting for? Contact us now by clicking the link below!

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