Time for Heroes: Revolutionise your marketing with Carlo Herold


“You don’t need superpowers to gain success in business. What you need is data, innovative technology and intelligent business partners to achieve business success.”

The word “fast-paced” is an understatement. We’ve reached a new point in history – where technology is growing at a rate that is almost impossible to keep up with. Especially when it comes to your business.
The possibilities are endless, but in an ever-changing environment you’ll need to adapt with focus to survive, and you’ll need professionals to thrive.
Heroleads is a digital solution provider that drives digital transformation and enables clients to maximise business success in the digital age. Today we interviewed Mr. Carlo Herold, Chief Executive Officer of Heroleads, to learn more about his team of Heroes and how his recipe for success for Business in Southeast Asia.
Q: What is Heroleads?
A: Heroleads is a data-driven and technology-enabled digital solution provider. We are here to help our clients grow their businesses.
This is especially important in the age of digital. For example, the average Thai consumer spends hours online everyday – more than many other nations in the world.
At Heroleads, we empower customers by helping the company to go online, setting their marketing strategy and offering digital services such as Facebook and Google Marketing.
As a result, our clients are able to acquire new customers, retain customers with a Client Relationship Management System (CRM) & loyalty marketing strategies.
All of these initiatives increase revenue, profitability, and return on investment effectively. That is our value positioning.
Q: Why have you been doing this and why is it so important?
A: Digital is our passion and we see a huge increase in demand in the Thai market and its companies.
Clients these days require a strong online presence, but they are not ready to take the next step of the new information age, so we are here to help them grow long-term, not only in Thailand but also in South East Asia.
Carlo Herold_Heroleads
Q: If I am a traditional company and I have been doing a good job offline, why should I go online?
A: There are two important reasons why you should go online.
One, all of your customers are online right now. Let’s say you spend 100% budget on offline media, it will probably go to waste since the people in Thailand engage with online platforms more often. Take a look at yourself or look around, on the BTS or MRT, people are online all the time and are surfing the net with their Smartphones. On average, Thai people check their phones 323 times per day, which is an easy illustration as to why your business needs to capitalize on this opportunity.
Your customers are already online and you should go after them.
The second reason is that on digital platforms, you have the ability to measurable and track just about everything. That means no more wasted budget, no more guessing if your efforts are working or not. For Heroleads, this is the key position we stand for, called performance marketing. Performance marketing means everything we produced, we can measure.
Let’s say you decide to do offline advertising, if you put up your ads on billboards or on the TV, you have no idea who watched it and if it is going to work?
There is a very famous quote from John Wanamaker, considered a pioneer in marketing that said “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

“For digital, we do it very differently. We are able to collect every insight about your customers, about different marketing channels, about different marketing performers or to find the best way to deliver your message to your customers.”

You can read it, you can highly personalise it and most importantly, you are able to segment it, and that is the way you should do advertising today.
This is also the approach we take at Heroleads, called people space marketing. For all clients, the first question we ask them is, “Who is your product or service for?” and, “Who is your ideal customer?” This way we can build your audience and create messages, digital assets and run campaigns that get the best responses from that group.
So, when you combine the fact that your audience is online and the power to measure every step of the way, it results in business success. You’ll see better return on investment and you’ll be able to replicate that profit much easier if you’re doing it online.
Q: What the vision and mission of Heroleads?
A: The vision of the company is to drive digital transformation in Southeast Asia, we want the business owners here to be among the most digitally advanced in the world.
For now, we are still in the starting stages of the journey. We are currently creating fantastic media for our clients, as well as carrying out online advertising through our partnerships with Facebook and Google.
Looking to the future – data science and innovative technology will allow automation and is an exciting trend to be on the lookout for. I believe that staffing will no longer be a challenge for companies to become effective, instead people will be replaced with the power of new technology.

“But no matter what new challenges arise, Heroleads will be here for our clients so that they can adapt, improve, and succeed on and in the future.”

Carlo Herold_Heroleads
Q: How are you different from other agencies?
A: In fact, we are not an agency at all. We would never consider ourselves one as the approach is completely different.
Most agencies come from a creative foundation, and they deal heavily with media as a distribution channel.
In contrast, we are a data-driven and technology enabled digital solution provider.

“For us, we try to establish long-term services based on technology and to support clients to become digitally enabled.”

Q: You have set a goal to be the number one digital solution provider, what do you intend to do in order to achieve that goal?
A: Firstly, we have to start engaging people.
Business is personal, so you need a team who believe it is possible to achieve this goal and to have a shared vision.
Digital talent is very important, and that is why we recruit the very best in the region. Next, we make sure we have the most advanced technologies.
This makes it possible to create automation which will then transform into an automated machine, and finally, artificial intelligence. But it all starts with a knowledgeable, passionate, and innovative team.
Our people need to show strong leadership and possesses skills to drive the people to the right direction. We are not only selling our products (Facebook or Google), we are also actively trying to grow the company.

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