How chatbots can help you achieve your business & marketing goals

Chatbot, CRM, Lead generation

In this digital world, chatting has become the most used form of communication. Whether it is through messaging or messenger apps, consumers demand more instantaneous and personalised responses across different channels.

To leverage this consumer behaviour, businesses are developing chatbots which a person can message and talk to as if they were humans. 

What Are chatbots?

A chatbot is a software application used to conduct an on-line  and automatic chat conversation via text instead of talking to a live agent. 

With chatbots, businesses can automatically send predefined messages. For this reason, chatbots are most popularly used for customer service. It automates the process of answering repetitive questions for their customers and reduces the pressure on business’s admins. 

Chatbots are constantly evolving to become smarter and more useful for businesses. In every industry, we have seen that businesses have started adopting chatbots. 

Why are chatbots important

According to a 2019 study by LivePerson, 90% of consumers are more likely to do business with companies that answer inquiries immediately. Furthermore, 55% said they are more likely to do business with a company if they could message them. Hence, in this era of conversational marketing, being able to communicate with your clients wherever, whenever and in whatever way they want is crucial for business success.

Importance of Chatbots:

Chatbots are customizable to best suit a business’s needs. There are several advantages of using chatbots:

Smoother Customer Journey: 

Chatbots help to reduce customer waiting times and gives the user availability to get the information they need 24/7. Without chatbots, the users would have to wait for a live admin to be available and during non-office hours, the user may not be able to get the information they need. 

Chatbots provide real-time conversations and help businesses build better relationships with customers. 

Personalizing Experiences

Not only do chatbots automate conversations, but they can also provide integrations for users to perform the desired action required by businesses. For example, if you would like to book a time and date to visit a showroom, the chatflow would automatically display a calendar view for users to pick their selected time. This date would then be recorded in the business’s CRM system. 

The integrations are capable to deliver a highly personalised experience by remembering the personal details, preference, and even purchase history. This reduces frictions and provides a smoother and personalised chat experience to a customer. 

Scaling Businesses

Chatbots  scale businesses exponentially by automating a large proportion of commonly asked questions and business processes. 

Even during a peak season, businesses do not need to incur cost by hiring additional staff because one chatbot has the ability to chat with multiple customers at every second. 

How can chatbot help businesses generate leads? 

To count a user as a lead, we need to collect some personal information with which the user (now lead) can be contacted in the future.  Chatbots can significantly increase the user to lead conversion rate for the following reasons.

Chatbots helps you to understand your audience

Simply asking a user for their contact information may work counter-intuitive and deter the user to give their information. 

Users are more likely to provide their contact information if the conversation is organic  and they understand the reason why their personal information is being asked for. 

Chatbot can help collect the users requirement for a product and after which opens the door for agents or chatbot itself to ask for personal information in order to send follow-up details as per user’s requirement. 

Each chat is recorded and a business can always analyse the chats to understand what information their users want and adpt their communication message to better attract future leads. 

Educate your customers

Users need to understand how your business can help them. Using chatbots, you can inform your customers about the products that they are interested in. 

For example, a car dealer may offer sedans, SUV, and minivan. In addition, they also provide maintenance and servicing options. Using chatbot, you may first ask which type of car or service they are interested in. In this you capture and learn about your audience too. Once they select their area of interest, e.g. sedans, you can provide them with a catalog about the current sedans, provide them feature information, and also offer some promotion information. This peaks the user’s interest and after which they will be more likely to book an appointment or give their contact information for a follow-up conversation. 

Action-based marketing 

Lead generation is evolving and now with chatbots you can a lot more than simply collect basic personal information. You could customize your chatbot to add more value by automating the following services:

  • Placing  orders
  • Customer support
  • Scheduling meetings/appointments
  • Tracking orders
  • Sharing news and updates

Heroleads Chat Solution

Heroleads chat solutions is our in-house solutions which brings chatbots beyond messaging apps and into landing pages & CRM systems.

HeroWidget is icons on the Landing page with links to Facebook Messenger & Line. Once a user lands on the landing page, they have additional options to form and call to engage and convert into lead. The icons can collect lead’s name, phone number, & Line ID. The lead information is stored in our CRM systems which updates these lead information in real time. 

HeroChatbot is automated chatflow on Facebook messenger which can be customized for the following business objectives:

FAQ: automate business’s frequently asked questions which reduces your customer support’s workload. 

Pre-Qualification: Learn more about your audience by asking users pre-qualification questions. With this information, your sales admin will better understand the type of information and communication to follow-up with. 

Virtual Assistant: Engage your users effectively and drive them to the correct page. The biggest advantage of this is that the users will be captured, nurtured, and directed for conversion all under your brand. Hence, this may increase your conversion rate as users won’t be distracted by other brand’s ad placements. 

Combining HeroWidget & HeroChatbot gives you a very effective lead generation solution. Using HeroWidget, you can capture user on landing page, and using an engaging chatflow on Facebook Messenger, you can capture lead information which will be reflected real-time in our CRM system HeroVision. 

This lead gen bundle works with and without additional media spending. With media spending, it effectively bridges your Search ads and social media ads. Drive traffic to your landing pages through your search ads and increase your to Facebook messenger through the Facebook icon and chatflow. 

From our case studies, the lead generation solution has increased total leads by 20% from the first month of implementation. Moreover, as it generates leads without additional media spending, the total cost per lead reduced by 30% on average. 

Heroleads’s chat solution can be customized to best fit your marketing needs and is a great complement to your landing pages and facebook pages.

Need more consultation about our exclusive chat solution? Just submit your enquiry below and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible!

Adam Lahmuddin

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