Why Video Marketing is crucial for the banking industry?

Why Video Marketing is crucial for the Banking Industry?

How to attract consumer attention in a world of hyper content consumerism? This is an everyday challenge for anyone trying to draft an online marketing or video marketing strategy. Also, with a plethora of options available online, content-quality isn’t the only deal-breaker now.
Above all, how do you get noticed when your customer’s attention is highly fragmented across hundreds of different online marketing channels? How do you create a real impact and tap into consumer behavior? Let us try to solve this mystery for you. The answer is : Video Marketing!
With the rise of mobile devices, consumer behavior has shifted from reading to watching. Now, let’s look at the stats for a moment

  • According to a report by Cisco, videos will represent a whopping 80% of internet traffic by 2021.
  • Over 89% of Thai internet users browse YouTube EVERYDAY! People love videos since it is one of the most engaging and versatile formats to deliver any content.

In addition, it is highly entertaining and easy to share across different channels. It also gives the consumers rest from the ocean of textual information online. No wonder Video Marketing has emerged as one of the most popular modes of online marketing in a very short span of time!
Video Marketing has undoubtedly become crucial for marketers across all industries. However, especially as a Banker, should you care about Video Marketing? Is your time worth spending on reading this 7-minute article? And most importantly, Is this going to work for you? The answer is : 100% YES!
The Banking sector is slowly catching up with other fact-faced industries shifting their strategic focus towards Video Marketing. We are very sure you don’t want to be lagging in this extremely competitive digital world. Therefore, we have prepared an amazing list to help you out!

3 key reasons why it is crucial for you to know Video Marketing?

1. This is where your customers are!

Did you know that over 74% of internet users access banking services via mobile devices? Now that’s a lot of your customers, isn’t it?
Let’s take a look at what industry experts are saying! The President and CEO of SCB, Arthid Nanthawithaya mentioned, “In the long run, the bank believes that mobile banking will expand with unstoppable growth and will be the source of the bank’s future business opportunities”.
Overall, it may be said that presenting short-length videos to these users will be the easiest, most convenient and lucrative way to gain their attention!
2. Your competition is moving fast!
Various financial services companies and e-wallet operators are witnessing high profitability. The key is their online marketing strategies, which is creating a lot of pressure for conventional banks.
Moreover, one of the most effective ways to stand out of the competition is to implement dynamic and stylish video marketing campaigns!
3. Address that long-standing complaint from consumers – Personalization!
Customization has been one major area of concern for the traditional banking system. This has caused a feeling of distrust among consumers for a very long time.
But not to worry, with video marketing you can easily bridge this gap! On top of that, you can make your consumer feel valuable by creating relevant tailored content in a highly engaging format!

What’s the conclusion?

In a nutshell, Thai banks are rapidly embracing numerous innovative online marketing strategies. Video marketing makes to the top of this list! If you are a part of a highly up-to-date banking system, we have no doubt you would be quick enough to adopt this amazing strategy.

However, if you don’t have the technical expertise to do so, don’t worry, we got your back!

Heroleads has launched a new video product, HeroPlay! It gives the brands a chance to start enjoying video marketing with a result-driven approach and a very low entry cost. So, let’s set a winning video marketing strategy that converts! Connect with us today!!

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