Heroleads X Five Star:“The Elevator Pitch” Revolutionizing B2B Marketing for ‘Five Star Businesses’

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“In the next three minutes, let me take you on a journey that might just convince you to invest in a top-tier business venture.”

This sentiment encapsulates the core message of our latest campaign, “Five Star The Elevator Pitch,” designed for the ‘Five Star’ enterprise.

While three minutes might seem lengthy for a typical advertisement, what if these three minutes were packed with clear, comprehensive business information? This was the intriguing challenge presented to Heroleads by the ‘Five Star’ team, aimed at engaging more effectively with the new generation of investors.

So, how did Heroleads rise to this occasion? Within the next three minutes of this read, you will discover our strategy.

Identifying Investor Insights

Our journey began with delving deep into the key insights of investors. Our Strategic team discovered that most businesspeople, pressed for time, crave investment decisions supported by complete, quick, and concise information.

Creative Execution

Armed with this insight, our Creative team embarked on further research, including interviews with real investors to refine our campaign strategy. This led to the creation of three unique executions under the “Five Star The Elevator Pitch” campaign: The Pitch, The Plan, and The Five Sta-AR.

The Pitch:

The essence of this approach was brevity, relevance, and comprehensiveness, catering to investors who have limited time. Inspired by the concept of an elevator pitch, we crafted a video that encapsulates the crucial information an investor seeks in a franchise opportunity – affordability, ease of operation, and profitability. Selecting the right narrator was crucial, and we chose ‘Per Suwikrom’, a well-known business interviewer and entrepreneur, for his credibility and sharp business acumen.

The Plan:

Recognizing that a three-minute pitch might not cover all the details of the ‘Five Star’ business, we developed ‘The Plan’. It serves as a comprehensive White Paper, detailing every aspect of the Six ‘Five Star’ franchise brands, ready for potential investors to download and explore further.

The Five Sta-AR:

To resonate with the younger demographic, we leveraged AR technology, turning every ‘Five Star’ logo into a portal for business information. This innovative feature, accessible through our website, allows users to interact with the ‘Five Star’ brands in an engaging and technologically advanced manner.

Campaign Impact

This campaign, following the success of last year’s “Five Star The Documentary,” has led to a 143% increase in leads for potential franchisees for ‘Five Star’. The collaborative effort of various teams within Heroleads – Strategic, Creative, Influencer, Content, Sale & Marketing, and Optimizer – alongside the ‘Five Star’ team, was pivotal in this achievement.

In conclusion, we invite you to experience the ‘Five Star The Pitch’ video. Your next investment decision in ‘Five Star’ businesses could be just a play button away. Download the in-depth business information in ‘The Plan’, and interact with our innovative AR feature, ‘The Five Sta-AR’, to discover a world of business opportunities like never before.

Discover the future of business investment with Heroleads, where innovation meets practicality in B2B marketing.

Click here to access more video campaigns Five Star The Pitch – หลังจบวิดีโอนี้ คุณจะตัดสินใจลงทุนกับธุรกิจห้าดาว !

You can access the business insights by downloading them here
The Plan (Business Plan)_All Franchise.pdf

Scan the Five Star logo (Available on smartphones only).

The Five Sta-AR


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