Hero of the month : Lynn Think Like a Client, Act Like a Consultant

Heroleads Hero of the Month Lynn

Our “Hero of the month” this month is Account Manager, the online marketing specialist for banking and insurance. That comes with the cool phrase “Think Like a Client, Act Like a Consultant” because this girl is ready to wade through the customers And can be a good consultant for them

This hero is … Lin-Naphachai Chawe, Account Manager Team Lead, who has been working with us for 3 years. Today, in addition to congratulating the new Hero of the month, we also talked about the idea of ​​managing marketing campaigns. With customers Including the marketing trends for the banking and insurance industry that she specializes in.

How do you feel about the Hero of the Month award?

Thank you I am very happy because this is the reward that the friends in the Leeds hero voted for. He should probably see how much we care and be honest with our customers. Including our determination to try and maximize the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

Who is the account manager? What does it do?

Account Manager, also known as AM, is an intermediary who acts as a coordinator between the hero team of Leeds and customers. Which we must be people who understand the whole picture of online marketing campaigns And manage the campaign to meet the goals that the customers have set The term campaign management here Starting from receiving briefs from customers and passing them on to the staff, whether it’s content, graphic teams, or teams that look at advertising purchases, setting campaign targets, and once the campaign has been released We have a duty to see if the results come out as planned. If the KPI is not good, how to improve? Or if it is good, can it be better? We must give advice to our customers.

What is the most important feature of AM?

Must be someone who can be along with everyone Because we do not work with systems or programs But our job is to talk to people

Why does AM have to “think like customers”?

The word “think like customers” in our corner is Maybe customers have some goals in mind. We have to understand that first. And one more step deeper than him … Step. A good AM is not AM that pleases customers. But we have to know what the customers want And understand our own team too When looking after a client’s campaign We will always think that our customers’ business is like our own business. If in any month, the campaign starts to drop We will start to boil as hot as the customer. And began to think about what had happened Then what should we do next? This is why AM is serious about performance, because we understand that this is what customers expect.

Online marketing campaigns for banking and insurance businesses Difficult – how easy to care?

These 2 groups are highly competitive businesses, ranking in the Top 5 most advertised online business groups. And still quite sensitive to data and management When looking after this type of campaign, we must be especially careful. In addition, we have to understand the product well. Because each type of insurance has different conditions. Or individual financial products Each card type There are different conditions.

What are the Key Successes for these 2 businesses?

People who are about to sign up for these products, they need quite detailed information. Therefore, in order to find Quality Lead, we have to tell our Information to a certain extent. To be the information for him to make a decision Importantly, it is a product that prohibits promotion. Therefore, when we do advertisements What we sell is the Product Benefit. We will try to read all the information. Then twist to find interesting aspects Most of us will do Market Research on which competitors in the market are using Benefit and which part of our product that is better, we will pull that to write advertising.

What are the trends in using online media for banking and insurance?

Each insurance business is very aggressive both online – offline. Therefore it has to do both legs for this business As for the banking business, the real trend that is coming is the application or the mobile banking system. That now every brand should be focusing more and more

How can our online advertising help?

We can advertise to increase downloads. Or can increase the use of the application Through the functions of Google and Facebook. Not just finding the Lead. When people first click on an ad or the Call to Action button, it will take us to the landing page, but this type of ad will take us to the Google Play page or the App Store to download. Applications immediately And can still do a deeper campaign It is assumed that people have downloaded it for a long time but have never used it. We can install Tracking and connect them to click on the advertisement to do something Action on that application as well.

Being an AM requires an Act like Consultant too?

Aside from thinking like a customer We have to advise him too. To be a good consultant, first is to read numbers, read trends or read values ​​in Analytics to a certain extent. And after that I have to think of the connection that What do these numbers mean? And then associate it with the feedback that the customer provided In order to analyze and recommend Next Step for customers

How are feedback from AM customers at Hero Leeds different from AM elsewhere?

Hero Leeds. We do not put AM as just a Coordinator, but we place ourselves as a Consultant. Therefore, every AM of Leeds Hero Will be able to guide or advise customers Which customers like that we usually have more input for them And as a Google Premier Partner, we will receive new product updates, participate in training and get Insight to update and advise customers.

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Kalyakorn Maswongssa

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