5 powerful real estate marketing tactics to skyrocket your brand

Heroleads Real-Estate_GDN

Are you one of the real estate businesses trying to survive in this brutally competitive world? Are you willing to do anything to attract your customers and boost your brand image? Well, I hope not literally everything! 😉
Worry not, folks! We have a secret sauce for all the real estate businesses who want to grab their customers’ attention and increase brand awareness.
Let’s assume that your high potential customers are browsing some random website right now. Now, you will assume that if they are on other websites, your chance to show them your properties is lost! Well, WRONG! And that’s our secret sauce! It’s Google Display Marketing or GDN!
GDN covers over 2 million websites, where advertisers can publish their ads (banners, images or videos, etc.) so that users visiting those websites can see the ads. Now, even if they don’t click on the ads, it directly translates into a large number of impressions and ultimately results in massive brand awareness.
Let’s answer the most important question now.  

Why Real Estate Developers should care about GDN?

  • Follow your interested customers everywhere!

GDN coupled with Remarketing makes a killer strategy, especially for real estate businesses! Remarketing helps in displaying your products to your target customers, who have already shown interest in your condominiums/ properties on different websites.

  • Earn more profits for less investment!

The cost for the Google display network campaigns is much lower than other options, such as search network marketing. The cost is lower by almost 10%, making GDN one of the most cost-effective options for brand awareness.

  • Get your products on most relevant sites!

Google understands that showing condominiums on a makeup or cosmetics website doesn’t make any sense. Hence, Google ensures that your real estate products are placed on the most relevant sites. Your ads are not going to be placed on completely unrelated websites (unless that’s what pops up in your browser history)

  • Enter your customer’s brain!

Well, this may be a bit of an exaggeration! But Google Display Networking really helps in forming an image in your customers’ minds. That means, whenever they are ready to make a purchase, they think of you since they have already seen your property ads in so many different websites.

  • Visuals make a better impression!

Images and videos are one of the most attractive and engaging formats of content. Your customers may not remember all the details they have seen about the property on your website, but they will definitely remember the attractive images across other websites. Make sure to choose the content format wisely.

Now we completely understand if you don’t have time to do all this! In the end, you should be focusing on your core business of selling properties and making money! That’s why Heroleads is here to take care of the rest of your needs!

Real estate is one of our sweet spots and it has been our honor to work with some of the biggest companies in the real estate sector across Thailand. You can count on us for all your digital requirements!

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